Thesis Outline

Updated on October 16th, 2014

This outline displays the full scope of the project, according to the most revised version of the thesis statement and abstract. The paper will be centered around the development of a reward system to be used within a game-centered classroom. It is important to note that though the topic of game play within a class setting and the "gamification" of the classroom are discussed and important foundation material for this paper, this is not a paper on gamification. Rather, this is a paper that builds upon the principle of game play within the class, and proposes a better, more refined and fully integrated system for rewards and recognition to it's participants.

Through the course of this paper I intend to do the following:

I. Game play and gamification

A. What is, and what is not gamification?

B. Is/can game play (be) gamification?

C. Uses of (game play / gamification) in society

II. Game play / gamification within a classroom

A. Why games are good

B. How NON-GAME classrooms may be less effective

III. Effective educational game play

A. Use of a variety of learning methods promoting student participation

B. Digital centers with computer based educational assignments

C. Analog activity centers with table top games

D. Reward opportunities help reinforce positive advancement

IV. Elements of an effective Reward Systems.

A. Reward vs. Recognition

B. Attainable goals

C. Acceptable incentives

D. Tangible rewards

E. Virtual rewards

V. Proof of concept / prototype.

A. Digital prototype

B. Analog prototype

C. Rewards/recognition/accolades

VI. Case Study – Examples

A. Classcraft

B. Personal testing results

VII. Review/Overview of the thesis

A. Importance of a good Risk/Reward system

B. Methods/Ideas for improvements

C. Conclusion

VIII. Bibliography